Friday, 30 September 2011

2nd Year fashion workshop

The first project facing our returning second years is 6 weeks of week long workshops based on the human form, with a different materials specialism each week. The first week was fashion from scrap/rubbish, check out their excellent outcomes:

Ashley made a jaunty waistcoat out of crisp packets
Kasia made a lovely tassely top out of an old vest and white paper

Victoria made a peacock inspired corset from scrap fabrics, plastic fencing scraps and paper

Charlotte made this over sized statement piece necklace using scrap papers and plastics and old coke cans

Callum made this hood from old lenses and a paper bag

Angel made his matter hatter top hat from tubes, cardboard, nails, wire and anything else he could find!

Jake made his oversized angel wing inspired shoulder pieces from cardboard and silver discs

Hayley made her dress from nicorette chewing gum packets and nicorette chewing gum!

Misty made a set of pom pom accessories, including this fab ring

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